Sunday, August 22, 2021

Joe Biden is the Fool of Kabul!

 He keeps telling us how great he is.

At least he is able to string words together better than just prior to his election (sic!). He even reads better, so I hope for him a complete recovery. As long as he is "well", we won't have Kamala Harris in the Oval Office.

I believe she must be a good step-mom because my first-glance internet information indicates that Cole & Emma think her a great second mom and call her Momala. That sounds so cute - that combination of Kamala and Mom. She must be likable.

However, I don't think we need nice people in the White House. I think we need fighters (mental, not physical). We don't need leaders who intend to foment social change through lies and deceit. We need leaders who read the US Constitution and understand why it is important. 

I don't want leaders who want to socialize the US into a bastion of political correctness and critical race theory. I want leaders who know we (as a nation and as a population) have made mistakes in our historical past and are foresworn to not make those mistakes again.

I don't want a leader whose projection of redress for past mistakes is to hand out money.

I do want leaders who plan for the success of the USA. I want leaders who make plans to protect US citizens. I want leaders who believe it is the right of every citizen to personally vote. I want leaders who will protect our citizens - including those in Afghanistan. We failed to save lives in Benghazi, and we must not fail to save lives in Afghanistan.

I hope Biden is not simply biding his time before acting. The time to act is not later - it is now.