Friday, December 24, 2021

By Year 2025 Doctors May Be Able To Implant A Bionic Eye

The technology already exists.

The article suggests that either 80% of blind people will benefit from this new technology, or that those who do benefit from this technology may have the ability to see with 80% of the vision of a normally sighted person.

The title of the article is a little misleading, as it implies that "People" do not "Actually See The World".

This New Prosthetic Eye Will Allow People to Actually See the World 

 | Ofek Hagag

See The Entire Article at the link immediately below.

Bionic Eye

Some of the writing is a little misleading - like the title, but if it is true, it is a huge leap forward for those who have lost their sight due to some form of a traumatic accident. It may be that the naturally blind - those born blind - might actually be offended by such technology offering them sight, but if they would like to see (even a little) then this technology might be a boon.

Technology can be either a boon or a nightmare. I would not expect to see enhance vision or vision connected to a computer happen anytime in the near future, but I do think the military might be investigating ways in which such technology could advance their military advantage in the future.

I'm just providing this as an interesting article on new technology - hopefully before it is common knowledge.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Is Money Valuable?

What is the real value of Money

You must know that money doesn't exist on its own. It is printed. It is paper and ink. It is not very valuable on its own. It represents a promise of value. It is an accepted medium of exchange. It allows barter without actually owning or holding anything until after the purchase. We agree to use paper money without much value and the result is that when we print more money, each dollar is worth less in the marketplace. Still, the government authorizes the Treasury Department to print more money in order to have more money to spend.

The table below provides details on the printing costs of Federal Reserve notes for each denomination.

DenominationPrinting Costs
$1 and $26.2 cents per note
$510.8 cents per note
$1010.8 cents per note
$2011.2 cents per note
$5011.0 cents per note
$10014.0 cents per note

When government spending increases, taxes go up because the income of the US Government is the taxpayer base. if the government increases unemployment payments (like during COVID-19) that money comes from the people who work.

As shown in the table below, the life of a note varies according to its denomination. For example, a $1 bill, which gets the greatest use, remains in circulation an average of 5.9 years; a $100 bill lasts about 15 years.


of Bill



So, not only are the notes only worth about 10-15 cents instead of their face value but also when we are paid, every dollar we are paid is only worth about 7 cents. Somewhere in this debacle, there is a huge amount of profit for someone. Where is that 85-90 cents per dollar?

If we only have a specific amount of currency in circulation and every bill needs to be replaced in 5-10 years, then I suppose we could believe that in 7-10 replacement printings, the full value of the bills would be achieved.

However, we don't have a specific amount of currency in circulation.

So, who values money?

The Federal Reserve. of course.

We (regular people) value the Federal Reserve Note because we need it for bartering. It is our only way to know how our savings compare to anyone else's savings.

We use notes so we don't have to have the ocean-going vessel that someone wants for the doors he creates. We also don't need to have the rabbit skins someone wants in exchange for the tables she makes. We also don't need the radishes he needs for the automobile we want to purchase. We just tally the amount of what we make for the value others believe it has multiplied by the number we have made and compare that tally to the number of tables (or anything else) that is currently being tabulated. The result is the amount of money we are worth. We can then leverage that amount of money to make purchases. It is all really the barter system at work.

Still, the only value money has for most people is determined by what we can buy with it.

However, for the Federal Reserve, it means profit. They sell each bill for face value, but the costs are much less [reference the table above].

Winken, Blinken, and Nod

 Kamala Harris is winking at us all - all the time.

Anthony Blinken is trying to see what is impossible to see.

Joe Biden just gives the nod.

The real problem is that we need to be rid of this president. If we impeach Joe Biden, Kamala Harris becomes president. She is soooo incompetent, that we will also need to impeach her, and then Nancy Pelosi becomes president. We are very, very, deep in the doodoo.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Joe Biden is the Fool of Kabul!

 He keeps telling us how great he is.

At least he is able to string words together better than just prior to his election (sic!). He even reads better, so I hope for him a complete recovery. As long as he is "well", we won't have Kamala Harris in the Oval Office.

I believe she must be a good step-mom because my first-glance internet information indicates that Cole & Emma think her a great second mom and call her Momala. That sounds so cute - that combination of Kamala and Mom. She must be likable.

However, I don't think we need nice people in the White House. I think we need fighters (mental, not physical). We don't need leaders who intend to foment social change through lies and deceit. We need leaders who read the US Constitution and understand why it is important. 

I don't want leaders who want to socialize the US into a bastion of political correctness and critical race theory. I want leaders who know we (as a nation and as a population) have made mistakes in our historical past and are foresworn to not make those mistakes again.

I don't want a leader whose projection of redress for past mistakes is to hand out money.

I do want leaders who plan for the success of the USA. I want leaders who make plans to protect US citizens. I want leaders who believe it is the right of every citizen to personally vote. I want leaders who will protect our citizens - including those in Afghanistan. We failed to save lives in Benghazi, and we must not fail to save lives in Afghanistan.

I hope Biden is not simply biding his time before acting. The time to act is not later - it is now.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

NewsMax publishes Donald Trump's Statement on Rush Limbaugh


Donald Trump's Statement on Rush Limbaugh

Donald Trump's Statement on Rush Limbaugh

By    |   Wednesday, 17 February 2021 02:32 PM

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 

"The great Rush Limbaugh has passed away to a better place, free from physical pain and hostility. His honor, courage, strength, and loyalty will never be replaced. Rush was a patriot, a defender of Liberty, and someone who believed in all of the greatness our Country stands for. Rush was a friend to myself and millions of Americans — a guiding light with the ability to see the truth and paint vivid pictures over the airwaves. Melania and I express our deepest condolences to his wonderful wife, Kathryn, his family, and all of his dedicated fans. He will be missed greatly."

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Isn't This A Form Of Terrorism?

Mike Lindell – owner of US manufacturing & sales company 'My Pillow' has been 'permanently blocked' from Twitter.

I don't know any specifics, and I am not creating a conspiracy theory. I am concerned that the method of punishment for disagreement has become banishment in many forms.

Friday, January 15, 2021

Modern Insurrection

 What is Insurrection?

According to the Oxford Dictionary as portrayed by Bing on Microsoft Edge:

insurrection (noun) · insurrections (plural noun)
  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" · 
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch
late Middle English: via Old French from late Latin insurrectio(n-), from insurgere ‘rise up’.


So, The violent uprisings that occurred all spring, summer, and fall of year 2020 fall into that category. 
A close look at the listed synonyms imply a related overthrow of established authority, but that is not necessarily the implication of the actual definition. 
"A violent uprising against an authority or government" does not mean more than 'I am angry about how you are treating me, you are not listening to me, I elected you to your office, you are ignoring me, I demand you pay attention to my grievance, and if you continue to obfuscate our differences and my grievance against you then I will fight physically to make my case be known.' 
This does not mean that the purpose of the physical altercation is designed to take over the government and change one governance for another.

To Be Fair – There Are Other Definitions

an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence:
an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Merriam-Webster goes even further to create a sense of scope of the synonyms:

Choose the Right Synonym for insurrection

REBELLIONREVOLUTIONUPRISINGREVOLTINSURRECTIONMUTINY mean an outbreak against authority. REBELLION implies an open formidable resistance that is often unsuccessful.  open rebellion against the officers  REVOLUTION applies to a successful rebellion resulting in a major change (as in government).  a political revolution that toppled the monarchy  UPRISING implies a brief, limited, and often immediately ineffective rebellion.  quickly put down the uprising REVOLT and INSURRECTION imply an armed uprising that quickly fails or succeeds.  a revolt by the Young Turks that surprised party leaders   an insurrection of oppressed laborers  MUTINY applies to group insubordination or insurrection especially against naval authority.  a mutiny led by the ship's cook 

Insurrection | Definition of Insurrection at

an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government provides examples of what the internet propagates as insurrections:



What Is The Essence Of Insurrection

Breaking it all down, the essence of the meaning of the word is to stand firmly in opposition to an authority, in most instances utilizing physical confrontation as a method or technique of protest.

Now I realize that 'protest' has become a sociological concept since the 1960s, but I think that is akin to Joe Biden stating that Black Lives Matter is not an organization but an idea. Protest is also to stand firmly in opposition to an idea, action, presentation, trend, leader, war, or even government.

Insurrection is more like a protest without physical restraint. When words and signs and numbers-of-gathered-people and speeches have no effect on an undesirable situation, the situational ethos of the gathered group may escalate into a physical altercation—a fight between the parties present.

Is There Any Evidence This Happens

Does anybody actually require proof that escalations occur historically? Probably. So I will bring some evidence of this happening from the recent past.

There are at least a hundred more at List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States - Wikipedia.

Civil Unrest – yeah. That's the way to downplay bad manners and uncouth activities. There are groups in the United States whose entire purpose is to cause unrest and unruly behavior in the population. Many of these examples of protest/insurrection are the result of organized intent to disrupt the civil unity of the general U.S. population when a specific nexus has provided appropriate opportunity.

Is It A Conspiracy

Conspiracy – a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. This could include, but not be limited to—disrupting public civility or (at the similarly opposite extreme) international terrorism. It must, however, involve planning.

We plan a party for birthdays—does that constitute a conspiracy? It is a plan, but not quite a conspiracy. Why? Because there is nothing unlawful or harmful or evil being accomplished by the activity that will result from the planning. How can I add evil to unlawful or harmful from the definition? Click on the word conspiracy above to read several additional definitions. Evil is in that list of definitions. Evil might not necessarily be either unlawful or harmful. It might be something that changes the very nature of the status quo it is operating against.

So, not to get stuck on the concept of evil, I just want to add it to unlawful and harmful for the purpose of defining conspiracy. Also, just for the purpose of Shaving at the Sanity (the reason for this blog-site) of this whole concept of conspiracy, let me tear the word apart into cons/piracy. We probably all have an idea of about piracy: Blackbeard [Edward Teach (c. 1680 – 22 November 1718)] is probably a prime example. Cons (on the other hand) implies the negative side of something: pros & cons. So then what is the negative side of piracy (cons/piracy)?

A pirate is out to get what can be foraged or stolen for personal gain. Sometimes these activities that result in grand personal gain by nefarious means are spur-of-the-moment happenings. That is the easy way to gather ill-gotten spoils. Look, a ship of the Spanish King: let's take it for our own, kill the crew & keep the spoils. If a plan must be made, it may fail. Failure of a plan is not good. So, a con (pros & cons) of piracy might be that you must make a plan. If a plan for ill-gotten gain is needed, it may indeed have become a conspiracy.

Where is all this leading

Beginning with the World Trade Center bombing on February 26, 1993 in New York City, then the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and followed by the more recent bombing and destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, there has been a focused attention to the concept of conspiracy.

Now we can read conspiracy theories about the Kennedy Assassinations, the Lincoln assassination, the moon landing, the Illuminati, Free-Masonry in governments, plane crashes & disappearances, the New World Order, George Soros, anti-Semitism, and even the re-writing of recent (or ancient) history. The fact is that you can create any conspiracy theory you want by stinging together some hitherto unexplained phenomena with your own suggestion of the truth as you describe. The TV show X-Files used to present the logo "The Truth Is Out There" and if it can't be readily found, it can certainly be invented.

We are living in a time when a disliked President can be smeared with lies, half-truths, and truths in such a way that no one can clearly comprehend where the reality can actually be found. It is my personal opinion that politicians lie, and the ones that lie better are re-elected forever. The ones that depend on being understood as honest, are removed from office very quickly. It's all about wheeling & dealing. I almost wish we could just start over.

It seems we are moving toward a future that will not be governed by the best, but by the strongest tale tellers, by the team that pretends the best, or by the bigger bully. I don't know how to understand the reasons behind the movement toward falseness in government, but I do think it has been organized, orchestrated, and ordained by the powerful. In short, I think it is according to a plan—a CONSPIRACY.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Where Is Honest Reporting?

 That is what I ask myself almost daily. I, like you I suppose, are surrounded by media input: TV newscasters, Hollywood personalities, Opinion Moguls, Newspapers, Magazines, Global Warming pontificators, Global Warming detractors, Billionaires who think they know how society should change, your next door neighbor, my next door neighbor, you, me, others.

What are we to do with all the input? How are we to believe what we hear, or even what we see? How do we differentiate between fact and fiction?

I quote the following question from season 1, episode 1of a TV series titled Ragnarok: "Are the authorities presenting us a fake reality?"

I don't intend to be an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist or a panic-monger. My intention is to wonder why the established authorities consistently inform me that the President of the USA from January 19, 2016 to January 19, 2020 is an evil person when I have experienced that President Trump is the first President in a long time to make several campaign promises and follow through on them. So, how then is he necessarily evil? By what process do we determine such a specific resultant opinion?

It seems that if I listen to all the pundits, I am supposed to know things are true because they tell me those things are true. This may be true or it may not be true. How do we propose to separate fact from propaganda?

Propaganda sounds like truth and is presented to be truth.

If only one perspective is constantly being presented by the pundits, doesn't that imply that they want us to believe that one perspective and not question the presentation?

When someone is pushing their specific perspective on me, I must wonder why it is so important that I believe them and what they have to say. Why does it matter so much?

The few news resources that tell a different story from the rest are suggested to be spinning conspiracies or merely misrepresenting the facts. But, the question remains—how can we know for certain either way?

I suggest we each begin the process of reading information from both perspectives, listening carefully to both sides of every issue, and weighing the consequences of believing either side of every presentation. It seems we are on the verge of being manipulated, and I suggest we do our best to not let it happen.