Maybe this is an understatement. Maybe it is a clear representation of the circumstances we have witnessed September 11, 2012 and the days following. The events occurring at United States Embassies throughout the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Southern Asia raise questions about what is reasonable behavior.
The rhetoric is that these events are the result of a movie.
Sometimes some of the most stupid ideas are made into movies. Other times movies represent actual happenings. Still other times, writers mix fact with fancy. That doesn't mean we should kill each other because somebody made a movie. Does it?
It is understandable that one person can offend another. Yet, we have laws to govern how these situations are to be handled. If people are not willing to be curtailed by the laws of their communities, should they just be allowed to act "outside the box" or "off the grid"? Is anarchy the reasonable alternative to governance?
Who is being blamed for the movie that has offended to the point of creating killers? The United States? Why? What did the United States do to cause the movie to be written, directed, recorded, or shown to audiences? Who is the person or persons that should shoulder some responsibility for the creation of the movie itself? After a little bit of searching (it really didn't take any effort at all), these pieces of information seem to be the accepted current "facts".
Feds Question Nakoula Basseley Nakoula – AKA Sam Bacile
The article indicates that the person has used several aliases and has been a "white-collar" criminal.
The movie actors seem to have not known how the finished product would appear to audiences.
This Wikipedia site may not be neutral in its content, but it is informative.
ADL's Abraham Foxman said, "We are greatly concerned that this false notion that an Israeli Jew and 100 Jewish backers were behind the film now has legs and is gathering speed around the world. [...] In an age where conspiracy theories, especially ones of an anti-Semitic nature, explode on the Internet in a matter of minutes, it is crucial for those news organizations who initially reported on his identity to correct the record." Foxman specifically criticized "news organizations across the Arab world and anti-Semites and anti-Israel activists" for continuing to describe the filmmaker and backers as Jewish despite the fact that no Jews were involved in the making of the film.
Correction is Crucial. However, if they appear at all, they will probably be on page 12, at the bottom, between ads for groceries and used cars.
The man who made the movie is a self-proclaimed Coptic Christian. Coptic means Egyptian. That does not mean that every Coptic Christian is Egyptian, but indicates that the Church has existed since the first century in Alexandria, Egypt. it is older than the Roman Catholic Church.
This is a Coptic Network link.
Most Coptic Christians are probably scandalized by one of their own making such a movie. If they took it upon themselves to publicly censure this movie-maker, it might be understandable. However, the real damage has been done.
All that aside, here are a couple of the real problems.
- People have died.
- Property has been destroyed.
- Israel has been demonized by use of a nom-de-plume
- United States has been victimized because the movie was recorded within its borders
- A lot of people seem to be apologizing to Islam for something they did not do
- Anarchists seem to be winning the Public Relations War
- Reasonable people appear powerless to effect the outcome of this situation
- We are all being held hostage
This article is not meant to offend. These are just some Shavings of Sanity.